Intellectual Property Policy

Adopted by the University, January 2008


花季传媒 benefits from an active and productive faculty, and from encouraging faculty work and creativity both on and off the Greencastle campus. Intellectual property inevitably will be created in the course of research, teaching and service activities of 花季传媒's faculty members and staff members. By longstanding practice, 花季传媒 has recognized and honored the academic tradition that individual faculty members own the copyrights of course-related, scholarly, and other creative original works of authorship that they produce in the course of their employment by 花季传媒. 花季传媒 continues to recognize and honor this academic tradition, notwithstanding that federal law may give 花季传媒 presumptive ownership of original works of authorship created by its faculty within the scope of their employment. Accordingly, this 花季传媒 Intellectual Property Policy (the “Policy”) identifies the ownership interests of 花季传媒 and its faculty members and staff members with respect to original works of authorship created in the academic setting. This Policy is incorporated by reference into the policies governing conditions of employment of all 花季传媒 employees, and is binding as between 花季传媒 and its employees. In the event that this Policy, in conjunction with federal copyright or intellectual property law, does not effect the desired rights of ownership described below, 花季传媒 and its employees shall work in a good faith manner consistent with the principles in this Policy and execute any documentation necessary to carry out the intent of this Policy and its desired results.

Rights of Ownership

I. University Works

花季传媒 shall own all “University Works,” meaning original works of authorship or invention that are created, in whole or in part:

  1. with the use of “Substantial University Resources,” meaning financial, material, personnel or other support provided to an employee that is beyond the level of common research and teaching support typically provided by 花季传媒 to that employee. [Note: This accounts for, and by implication assumes, that faculty members may be supported at differing levels, i.e. there is not a standard/definable support applicable to all]; or
  2. as a specific requirement of employment, pursuant to an explicit 花季传媒 assignment by a supervisor or duty, on commission from 花季传媒 for its own use, or pursuant to a gift, grant or contract which requires ownership by 花季传媒.

University Works shall be owned by 花季传媒 as works made for hire within the scope of employment by 花季传媒. The following works presumptively shall be considered University Works: “Courses,” meaning the copyrightable videotapes and other recordings of all course lectures, classes, or presentations;

“University Publications,” meaning 花季传媒-sponsored or owned journals, periodicals, newsletters, yearbooks and other print or electronic publications; and

“University Administrative Materials,” meaning policies, curricula, promotional materials, web sites, and similar works, including but not limited to works created for faculty and 花季传媒 committees, works created by faculty members in assigned administrative roles, and works created by department chairs and program coordinators on behalf of their programs.

花季传媒 grants faculty members and staff members non-exclusive rights to non-commercial use and distribution of University Works that they have authored unless otherwise prohibited by contractual or legal restrictions.

II. Staff Works

花季传媒 shall own all “Staff Works,” meaning original works of authorship that are created:

  1. by non-faculty employees within the scope of employment by 花季传媒; or
  2. by non-employees, consultants, or contractors expressly for 花季传媒.

Exceptions may be granted in particular circumstances, such as for work done in an approved consultancy for another institution, or creative and scholarly work produced with 花季传媒 resources not related to the job description if so identified by the supervising vice president. 花季传媒 does not claim ownership of works created by non-faculty employees outside of the scope of employment by 花季传媒.

III. Faculty Works

Faculty members shall own all “Faculty Works,” meaning original works of authorship that reflect scholarly research and creativity produced by and on the initiative of faculty members within the scope of their employment by 花季传媒, including but not limited to: syllabi for courses, tests, assignments, instructor's notes, instructional materials (including websites and videos), textbooks, monographs, journal articles, other works of non-fiction and fiction, poems, speeches and other creative works such as musical compositions and visual works of art. As an exception, the University Communication Policy governs the right of the University to take possession of or to provide access to materials produced using the University’s electronic communications system when required by law or when there is evidence of violation of University policies.

Academic departments, the Committee on Faculty in the course of its deliberations, or the 花季传媒 administration may require individual faculty members to share copies of scholarly research and creativity, such as instructional and other materials used for ordinary classroom and program use, as part of the ordinary processes of administration, evaluation and internal or external review or in case of a disciplinary hearing. Additionally, faculty members may be asked to provide copies of scholarly research and creativity as part of internal or external review processes or in the course of applying for 花季传媒 funding of scholarly and other creative work. Such requirements to share and permit limited use of these works shall not otherwise limit a faculty member's copyright in scholarly research and creativity.

In cases where 花季传媒 is asked to make an extraordinary investment to enable faculty research or other work, ownership conditions will be negotiated at the time of the approval of the request for investment so that 花季传媒 may receive a fair return on its investment. In the case of scholarly, creative, or pedagogical work done collaboratively with other institutions or for-profit corporations, or where granting bodies take a different approach to ownership, agreements may be worked out ahead of time and subject to review and revision by the Chief Academic Officer, who shall apply the principle of maximizing academic freedom, fair use, open scholarly inquiry, and respect for the rights of authors and inventors.

IV. Student Works

Students shall own all “Student Works,” meaning materials produced as part of their academic work for graduation credit, including materials produced for particular courses, such as, written assignments, creative and artistic work, quizzes and examinations. As an exception, the University Communication Policy governs the right of the University to take possession of or to provide access to materials produced using the University’s electronic communications system when required by law or when there is evidence of violation of University policies.

Materials produced by students as employees of the University are governed by the “staff works” section of this policy.

Work by students produced in collaborative projects with faculty members or other 花季传媒 employees shall be governed by the policies that govern the University employees unless there are particular stipulations made at the time of the start of the collaborative project.

Student works may be copied and retained by faculty members for use as needed in fulfilling their responsibilities as faculty members (such as verifying authenticity and originality) and as part of the academic personnel evaluation policy. A student work may not be shared by a faculty member with others outside of the previous provisions without permission of the student.

In cases where 花季传媒 is asked to make an extraordinary investment to enable student research or other work, 花季传媒 ownership conditions will be negotiated prior to the approval of the investment so that 花季传媒 may receive a fair return (minimally reimbursement) on its investment. In the case of scholarly, creative, or pedagogical work done collaboratively with other institutions or for-profit corporations, or where external funding agencies take a different approach to ownership, agreements may be worked out ahead of time and are subject to review and revision and final approval by the Chief Academic Officer, who shall apply the principle of maximizing academic freedom, fair use, open scholarly inquiry, and respect for the rights of authors and inventors.

Students who produce work during internships for hosts other than 花季传媒 (even if for academic credit and if partially supported by stipends from 花季传媒) shall retain ownership of those products except as they may be required to assign those rights to their internship hosts.

Copyright Notice and Use of the 花季传媒 Name

I. Notice

The following form of copyright notice shall be used on all University Works or any other works owned by 花季传媒:

©[year of first publication] 花季传媒. All Rights Reserved.

II. Use of the 花季传媒 Name

The 花季传媒 name, associated symbols, and seal are important and valuable representations of 花季传媒 and its academic reputation. Therefore, use of the 花季传媒 name, associated symbols, and seal in connection with a work, other than for the sole purpose of identifying the author as a university employee or as a student affiliated with 花季传媒, requires the advanced written permission of the supervising 花季传媒 Vice President. This does not limit the right of university employees or students to use the 花季传媒 name in accurate descriptions of events and activities that have taken place at 花季传媒. Furthermore, faculty members, staff members and students at 花季传媒 may not participate in the creation or use of works that might give the impression of 花季传媒 sponsorship where there is none. If the 花季传媒 name, associated symbols, or seal is to be used in connection with any works created under collaborative agreements with outside entities, other than to identify the creator by his or her title at 花季传媒, such agreements must be approved in advance and in writing by an authorized 花季传媒 administrator.

Administration, Interpretation and Dispute Resolution

Interpretation of this Policy

I. Administration

This policy shall be administered by the supervising vice presidents.

II. Interpretation and Dispute Resolution

All issues of interpretation and dispute resolution shall be managed by the Executive Vice President or another senior officer designated by the President.