Physics and Astronomy

Physics is the study of the fundamental nature of everything. Through experiment and theory physicists seek to explain the interactions of matter and energy in terms of a small number of basic laws. Physics deals with everything from the very large (e.g. the structure of the universe) to the very small (e.g. atoms, nuclei, quarks and even smaller structures). The devices we depend on in our technological society are based on fundamental principles of physics. Both experimental and theoretical physicists are people who enjoy understanding how things work. Studying physics develops excellent critical thinking and problem solving skills, which are applicable to many careers. Many of our physics graduates continue with graduate school in physics, astronomy or engineering. Others continue with professional training in medical school or law school. However, it is not necessary to pursue more education to have a rewarding career with physics. An undergraduate physics degree is a spring board to a broad spectrum of career options, including engineering, systems analyst, financial analyst, management, national security, medical research, education and journalism. Nationally, employment opportunities for physics graduates have been especially good in recent years. The department offers a major and a minor in Physics. Students planning to major in Physics should consult with a member of the department as early as possible in their college careers. Incoming students who plan to major in Physics should take PHYS 120-130 and MATH 135-136 or MATH 151 in the first year. Most pre-engineering students must take PHYS 120, 130, and 350. Students interested in pre-engineering should consult with a pre-engineering advisor as early as possible. The physics major is also appropriate for students who wish to attend graduate school in astronomy.

Course Catalog

Requirements for a major


Total courses required Nine
Core courses PHYS 120, PHYS 130, PHYS 210, PHYS 220, PHYS 280 (1/2 course), PHYS 480 (1/2 course)
Other required courses
  • Two of the following: PHYS 320, PHYS 340, PHYS 350, PHYS 360, PHYS 370, PHYS 380
  • Two of the following: PHYS 410, PHYS 420, PHYS 430, PHYS 440
Number 300 and 400 level courses Three and one-half
Senior requirement and capstone experience

All senior physics majors must complete PHYS 480, Senior Seminar. This course is designed to allow students to read, interpret, and discuss primary literature from current physics research. It follows a format similar to journal clubs that are found in many physics graduate school programs. The specific topics and content vary from year to year. Students utilize the knowledge base that they have developed during their previous coursework to understand the foundational principles of the contemporary research topic.

Majors who want to conduct their own independent research investigations may do so by enrolling in an independent study project under PHYS 390. These projects usually involve the student working with a department faculty member on a topic of mutual interest. The projects often produce research posters or papers that are shared with the larger community.

Additional information MATH 151 (or MATH 135-136) and MATH 152 required
Writing in the Major Students majoring in physics will hone their writing skills in the following courses: Phys 220, Principles of Physics III, Phys 280, Experimental Methods, Phys 370, Introduction to Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Phys 480, Senior Seminar. Since writing is a critical skill for all physics majors it is essential that students learn how to express their knowledge of the field through written works in the form of reports, and publications. This requires the ability to document their work in the laboratory, providing explicit details about their work that will allow others to understand the reasons chosen to conduct an investigation, what steps were carried out in the investigation, how it was done, results obtained, and conclusions that were drawn from those results. In addition, there will be many occasions where students will be required to explain the subtleties and importance of physical phenomena and events to people who are not physicists.

Requirements for a minor


Total courses required Four
Core courses PHYS 104 or PHYS 320 and either PHYS 300 or PHYS 310.
Other required courses Two additional from: PHYS 103, PHYS 104, PHYS 203, PHYS 310, PHYS 320, PHYS 330, PHYS 300.
Number 300 and 400 level courses One


Total courses required Five
Core courses PHYS 120, PHYS 130, PHYS 210, PHYS 220.
Other required courses PHYS 310 may not count toward the minor.

One of the following: PHYS 320, PHYS 340, PHYS 350, PHYS 360, PHYS 370, PHYS 380, PHYS 410, PHYS 420, PHYS 430, PHYS 440.

Number 300 and 400 level courses One