Political Science

Political science involves the systematic study of how people and societies make the political decisions that affect their lives.

Many political science courses analyze the American political system, but there are also courses on political systems in other countries and regions (Europe, the Middle East, China, India and the Third World more generally), on relations among and between nations, and on issues and questions that transcend the politics of any particular place. Majors go on to successful careers in elected and appointed government positions, journalism, business, research, education, and law.

Sample Courses:

Elements of Political Theory, American National Government, Political Parties, African American Politics, China and India in the 21st Century, Muslim Political Thought

Our Alumni

Vernon E. Jordan Jr. '57

Vernon E. Jordan Jr. '57

Civil rights lawyer and presidential advisor Vernon Jordan received The American Lawyer magazine's Lifetime Achievement Award.

Douglas Hallward-Driemeier '89

Douglas Hallward-Driemeier '89

Hallward-Driemeier argued for the right to same-sex marriage before the United States Supreme Court.