The 花季传媒 Experience

At 花季传媒, students have many opportunities to apply their classroom education in a variety of learning experiences, many of which are outside the University. 花季传媒's Extended Studies, international study, fellows and honors programs, internships and pre-professional preparation in the context of strong liberal arts curriculum lay the groundwork for initial opportunity and the development of fulfilling personal lives and careers.


All 花季传媒 students complete at least two Extended Studies experiences before graduation. Extended Studies courses and experiences, most of which occur in the Winter and May terms, provide an opportunity for intellectual exploration and enrichment that reflects 花季传媒's serious commitment to non-traditional, experiential learning.

Six main types of Extended Studies courses and experiences are available:

Extended Studies provides the opportunity for a rich variety of experiences. Students may study or work intensively on a specific problem or topic of personal interest and educational merit; explore a new subject; work collaboratively on a project with faculty members or professionals with similar interests; study a problem or topic from a cross-disciplinary perspective; experience a new culture; work and live with others and provide a valuable community service; learn and practice a new skill; participate in a valuable group experience in a work, performance or educational setting; explore a potential career or a field unrelated to career; or learn about oneself in relation to potential academic majors. Many Extended Studies experiences are offered for academic credit.

On-Campus Courses

The on-campus Extended Studies program offers 花季传媒 students a chance to focus on a single topic of interest that is well-suited for an intensive period of study. On-campus Extended Studies courses range in style and approach from the academic to the experiential, from the traditional to the innovative. The academic component of the on-campus Extended Studies strives to maintain high expectations for engagement, learning and accomplishment, while allowing for exploration of non-traditional areas of study.

Short-Term Off-Campus Courses and Service Projects

Extended Studies off-campus courses and service projects, designed and led by members of the 花季传媒 faculty, offer students the opportunity to expand their awareness of the global community in the context of an integrated and carefully designed learning experience. Students explore and study new cultures, perform valuable community service and develop new skills.

Short-Term Internships

Short-term internships during the Winter and May terms offer students the chance for an intense, concentrated exploration of personal and career goals in a professional setting. 花季传媒 students develop projects in virtually every professional field, including: business, education, health sciences, law, research, communications, media and the non-profit sector.

Independent Projects

Strongly motivated upper-class students are encouraged to set up independent projects that focus in depth on an area of special interest. Projects range from the traditionally academic to the highly experiential and may be carried out on-campus or off-campus. Students develop their projects in conjunction with a supervising member of the faculty.

Study at Another Institution

Many other institutions and approved organizations also offer courses during the month of January or in early summer. Upper-class students can therefore take advantage of an even greater number of course offerings by enrolling in a program at another college with a winter or May term or participating in a group project sponsored by another organization.

Research and Creative Projects

Students work with faculty members, often over the summer, on ongoing research and creative projects. 


One of the major goals of the University is to provide its students with an understanding and appreciation of the many different human cultures. With this in mind, 花季传媒 offers off-campus study opportunities designed to broaden intellectual horizons and to enable the student to achieve a deeper sense of individual identity and cultural awareness.

By its very definition, a liberal arts education should be inseparable from direct contact with many people and diverse cultures. Through participation in an international program or an off-campus program in the United States, the student is able to enhance and strengthen academic goals and personal objectives. Off-campus study stimulates the growth of new thinking. Leaving the shelter of familiar circumstances encourages greater self-reliance and sophistication in thought and action. With an understanding of other cultures, one becomes dramatically aware of the need to search for solutions to the problems confronting humankind.

Therefore, 花季传媒 has endeavored to integrate off-campus experiences into the academic program students pursue on campus by encouraging them to spend one or two semesters in approved international or stateside off-campus study programs. Students may participate in these programs during the period extending from the second semester of their sophomore year through the first semester of their senior year.

Three features distinguish 花季传媒's approach to international and off-campus education.

  1. A wide range of program options is available to students to meet their diverse academic and cultural interests. Where feasible, Off Campus Studies arranges for direct enrollment of 花季传媒 students in foreign universities and educational institutions. In other cases, special programs are designed to achieve cultural immersion or to meet specialized academic needs. Foreign language study and immersion are available at all levels of language proficiency. Some off-campus programs include an internship component, which allows students to obtain practical experience in an area that interests them.
  2. There is continual supervision and assessment of program content and organization by the staff of Hubbard Center for Student Engagement and the Committee on Experiential Learning.
  3. All students interested in off-campus study are personally advised by the staff of the Hubbard Center for Student Engagement and appropriate faculty members. This advising is designed to match students' needs to program offerings on a case by-case basis.


Application Procedures

Selecting and applying for off-campus study is rather like selecting a college in a process of matching students' aptitude and interests with the academic strengths and cultural immersion aspects of a program. Students interested in studying off campus should start the process early and begin by exploring the Off-Campus Study website at /academics/centers/hubbard/offcampus/.  Students receive assistance from the staff of the Hubbard Center for Student Engagement, returned off-campus study students and faculty members in their major and minor departments.

The off-campus study application procedure has two steps. Students first apply for approval to study off campus on a particular program by the off-campus study deadline, early in the spring semester. Applications are reviewed by the professional staff members of the Hubbard Center for Student Engagement. Once approval is granted, students then apply to the off-campus study program itself by the program's deadline. Nearly all students who are approved are also approved by their chosen programs, provided they meet the program's deadlines and prerequisites.

Requirements — A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 in the semester of application is required for participation in an off-campus program. Host programs set their own requirements, usually between 2.5 and 3.0. In addition, the student's aptitude for adaptation to a different cultural experience is considered. All students studying in a country where English is not the national language must take the national language or a local one if it is offered by the program. If 花季传媒 teaches the language, the students should take at least one semester of the language immediately before going away. When this is not possible, those students' cases will be dealt with on an individual basis.

Participation in all off-campus programs depends on satisfactory completion of the prior semester's work and completion of 花季传媒's competence requirement within the mandated time frame. In addition, participants must be in good disciplinary standing. Other eligibility and prerequisite requirements may apply. Applicants are advised to contact the Hubbard Center for Student Engagement or see the Web page for detailed information on program requirements and participation conditions.

Off-Campus Study Fees — Information about off-campus study fees may be found at .

Course Credit — All coursework taken off-campus for credit must have the final approval of the Office of the Registrar and, whenever possible, be assigned to a 花季传媒 academic department. The amount of credit granted in any one department normally does not exceed two courses per semester. The department shall determine those courses that meet the requirements for its major.

Care should be taken to ensure that students have 19 courses outside their major subject; students in dual-subject departments must have 19 courses outside the major subject and 16 courses outside the department.

A maximum of 10 courses may be earned in off-campus programs with no more than four and one-half courses taken in a semester. Summer school courses taken abroad, which are not part of the regular program, are not included in this limitation.

Final credit evaluation for study off-campus is made by the Office of the Registrar after the student has returned to campus. The recording of credit is based on the official academic transcript available from the off-campus program, the foreign school or the international study program. On all programs, grades are recorded on the 花季传媒 transcript but not calculated in the GPA.

In those off-campus courses where grades are not available, the courses are recorded on a credit-only basis. In such cases, credit determination is made upon the recommendation of the appropriate academic department and the approval of the Office of the Registrar with no grades reported. Students receive grades of S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory) for the internship component of off-campus programs.

Off-Campus Study Programs

花季传媒 offers a choice among a wide variety of strong academic programs on six continents. Programs are regularly reviewed, and some are added to the roster while others are dropped. Check the Website or contact the Hubbard Center for Student Engagement for a current and complete list of approved programs. A sample is given below of 花季传媒's consortial and exchange programs.


Programs recognized by the Great Lakes Colleges Association (GLCA) combine the excitement of off-campus study and the strengths of a liberal arts college. GLCA's member institutions have cooperated in the area of off-campus study since 1962. GLCA-recognized programs get consultation and advice from committees that include faculty and administrators from several member campuses. Programs are regularly evaluated, earning the GLCA label by meeting high academic and administrative standards. Faculty members from GLCA campuses generally serve as on-site academic directors for these programs, giving students daily access to advice and support from a professor who knows the program and the local culture as well as U.S. higher education.

A member institution of GLCA, or an affiliated organization with special strengths in the program area, administers each program. The primary affiliated organizations are the Associate College of the Midwest (ACM) and the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE).

GLCA-recognized international programs include The Border Studies Program and the Japan Study Program, administered by Earlham College.

GLCA-recognized domestic programs include the following internship and research programs: The New York Arts Program, administered by Ohio Wesleyan University; the Newberry Library Program, administered by the ACM; the Oakridge Science Semester, administered by Denison University; and the Philadelphia Center, administered by Hope College.


花季传媒 has direct exchange relationships with four universities in Japan: Waseda University in Tokyo (The Japan Study Program), Nanzan University in Nagoya, Kansai Gaidai University in Osaka, and Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo. 花季传媒 also has exchange relationships with Tsinghua University in Beijing, China; Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea; and Koç University in Istanbul, Turkey.


Students may also choose to participate in a wide range of programs offered by affiliated organizations and universities. A partial list of these organizations includes: Australearn, Arcadia University, Brethren Colleges Abroad, College Year in Athens, CIEE, Denmark's International Study Program, EPA internship programs, IES, The School for Field Studies, The School for International Training, University College Cork (Ireland), The University of Queensland (Australia) and the University of Westminster (England).





Honor Scholar Program

The Honor Scholar Program is designed for students who thrive on discovering and
exploring connections between different fields, are insatiably curious, and are eager to
engage difficult and unfamiliar topics. The program is grounded in academic inquiry,
interdisciplinary exploration, integrative thinking, and innovative solutions to the most
critical issues facing the world today. Our program provides an intellectual home for
students majoring and/or minoring in any field of study who share a passion for learning
and exploration.

Coursework in the Honor Scholar Program often sits at the intersection of 花季传媒’s
three schools, highlighting emerging areas of scholarship and encouraging students to
think both broadly and deeply. In exploring the connections between areas of human
knowledge, students in the program can act on their curiosity about a wide range of
topics, and demonstrate their intellectual courage as they delve into difficult and
important issues. The program challenges students, and asks that they challenge
themselves. Honor Scholars develop expertise in their majors, minors, and
concentrations, but are never satisfied with looking at the world through one kind of
intellectual lens. They excel at thinking critically and creatively about individual topics,
and integratively across topics.

Honor Scholar students are prepared and eager for leadership challenges. These
challenges include intellectual explorations, social problems, artistic and creative
endeavors, environmental concerns, scientific investigations, and issues in campus life.
This habit of leadership extends beyond graduation, and characterizes our alumni
throughout life. Being an Honor Scholar is demanding, but ultimately rewarding.

Course requirements: The Honor Scholar Program offers a series of small,
intellectually challenging, discussion-based courses in which students actively engage
with each other and with professors to investigate important topics in, and connections
between, the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

Freshman and Sophomore Year
HONR 101: Interdisciplinary First-Year Seminar (1 credit)
A fall-semester first-year seminar (this course fulfills 花季传媒’s first-year seminar

HONR 200: Honors Reading Courses: two at .25 credits (.5 credits)
These .25 credit courses give students the opportunity to take a deep dive into a
contemporary issue, ethical dilemma, or foundational text. These mini courses are
offered during the first 8 weeks of the semester. Students take two reading courses
between the spring of their freshman year and the spring of their sophomore year.

Sophomore and Junior Year
HONR 300: Interdisciplinary Area Seminars; one each in AH, SM, and SS (3 credits)
These interdisciplinary seminars address current issues/topics within the broad areas of
Arts and Humanities, Science and Math, and the Social Sciences. These courses are
distinct from courses in major departments or programs and they explicitly connect two
areas of the 花季传媒 curriculum: two disciplines within the CLAS, the CLAS with the
SBL, or the CLAS with the Creative School. Honor Scholar Seminars cover topics that
are ordinarily not represented in the regular 花季传媒 curriculum and/or they are based
on emerging areas of academic inquiry. They do not have prerequisites but rather
introduce students to research methods and writing in the professor's main area of
academic inquiry. All three seminars count towards 花季传媒’s General Education
Requirements (Liberal Arts Foundations) and may also fulfill competency requirements
(when designated by the instructor). With approval from the Program directors, students
may substitute one of the three seminars for another interdisciplinary course in
花季传媒’s curriculum or with a course from Off-Campus Study.

Senior Year
HONR 401 and HONR 402: Interdisciplinary Honors Thesis Project (2 credits)
After completion of the Area Seminars, students design their own two-semester
scholarly experience that culminates in an honors thesis. The purpose of the scholarly
experience is to pursue an extended, focused endeavor that is tailored to meet an
individual student’s goals and scholarly pursuits. The experience should enhance a
student’s education by improving their interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in a
practical or applied manner, and incorporate at least two areas of academic inquiry. The
experience may be grounded in supervised research, a civic project, an in-depth
internship, or a creative endeavor; or an interdisciplinary experience not yet envisioned.
Honor Scholars work closely with their faculty sponsor and the Program’s directorship to
find an opportunity that fits their personal, academic, and professional goals.

Students defend their final product at the end of the second semester and successful
theses are eligible for interdisciplinary honors in the Honor Scholar Program.
Occasionally, and when appropriate, students may opt to do their Honors Thesis
between the junior spring and senior fall.

Admission: Students are admitted to the Honor Scholar Program through a selection
process that includes an essay (see prompts on the Program’s website) and an
interview with faculty. The program seeks students who demonstrate wide-ranging
academic interests, a commitment to critical engagement with sources (both text and
media), eagerness to take intellectual challenges, and willingness to be leaders in and
out of the classroom.

Students may also join the Honor Scholar Program during their first year at 花季传媒
through lateral entry. Those students may substitute their FYS for HONR101 and take
the requisite 0.25 reading courses in the spring of the first year or in their second year.

For more detailed information, please visit the program's web pages at: /academics/honorsfellows/honor-scholar-program/.

Environmental Fellows

The most pressing challenges of our times require an understanding of the ways the environment sustains and intersects with every facet of our lives – science, technology, human health, war and peace, politics and culture. The Environmental Fellows Program explicitly supports the interdisciplinary thinking required to understand the profound environmental changes underway in our world. It is an integrative honors program for outstanding students who exhibit intellectual curiosity, high academic achievement, and strong motivation to explore environmental issues from a range of disciplinary perspectives. Through specific coursework, experiential learning, and interactions with faculty, students and professionals from a wide range of disciplines, students completing this program will be prepared to become members of our next generation of environmental leaders, with the knowledge and intellectual tools required to lead wisely.

Environmental Fellows may major in any existing department or program, thereby developing the knowledge and expertise appropriate to a particular discipline or specialized field of study. This depth of understanding will be enriched through:

When they graduate from 花季传媒 and the program, Environmental Fellows will be well equipped to address complex, real-world problems using multi-disciplinary approaches. The program's combination of academic inquiry and hands-on experiences will prepare graduates to be strong and successful candidates for employment in environmental careers, graduate study in disciplinary areas, and graduate study in multi-disciplinary programs with an environmental focus. For further information, please visit the Environmental Fellows Program website at /academics/honorsfellows/environmental-fellows-program/.

Management Fellows Program

The Robert C. McDermond Center for Management & Entrepreneurship was established in 1980 to prepare liberal arts students for leadership roles in private and public sector management and to encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship. The Center houses the Management Fellows Program, an honors program for students interested in business, management and entrepreneurship. This four-year learning experience integrates the study of management with the liberal arts. Students complete courses in business ethics, quantitative analysis, economics and accounting. Fellows may major in any of the University's disciplines.

One of the highlights of the Management Fellows Program is the semester-long internship. Students have interned all over the world in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. Past and current internship sites include: Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN; Goldman, Sachs and Co., Chicago, IL; Partners in Housing Development Corp., Indianapolis, IN; Independent Purchasing Cooperative, Miami, FL; Cummins India Limited, Pune, India; ExactTarget, Indianapolis, IN; Russell Investment Group, Tacoma, WA; and First Internet Bank, Indianapolis, IN. These paid internships are typically completed in the junior year and often include a May, Winter or Summer term.

The Robert C. McDermond Center Lecture Series brings the business world to 花季传媒 and relates practice to theory as an integral part of the program. This series features lectures by entrepreneurs, government officials, professors and industry leaders representing a wide range of private and public fields and career opportunities. Some past lecturers have been: Jan Risi '81, President and COO of Independent Purchasing Cooperative; Ronald Stiver '96, Commissioner for the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles; Candace DeBarger '86, Vice President Consumer Products for MasterCard; Chris Stevens, Vice President Corporate Relations and Customer Development for Keurig Inc.; Kyle Smitley '07, Owner and Founder of barley & birch; Jeff Harmening '89, Senior Vice President; President of Big G Cereal Division, General Mills; David Becker '75, CEO and Chairman, First Internet Bank; Kathy Vrabeck '85, Partner, Heidrick & Struggles; Paul Solman, Business, Economics & Art Correspondent for The NewsHour on Public Television; Tim Solso '69, Chairman and CEO Retired, Cummins Inc.; and Paul Volcker, Former Chairman of the Board of Governors for the Federal Reserve System.

Through the Executive-in-Residence Program and the Robert C. McDermond Management Center Lecture Series, the center brings business leaders to campus for presentations, management training workshops and roundtable discussions. In addition, the center works with other campus groups to organize symposia, such as The Symposium for 花季传媒 Entrepreneurs.

Course Requirements — All Management Fellows must complete course requirements in the major of their choice and the Management Fellows core curriculum.

Students must take all courses required for the Management Fellows Program on campus for letter grades (not Pass/Fail).

In the internship semester, students take Management Fellows Reading/Business Writings (HONR 310) by correspondence for one course credit while also receiving two course credits for the internship (HONR 320).

To remain a Management Fellow in good standing, a student must meet all requirements listed in the current Management Fellows Handbook.

Only under extraordinary circumstances will courses be approved that are intended to take the place of ECON 100, 220, 280, 294, 295 or 393.

Admission — Admission to the program is highly selective and is based on superior academic ability, a high degree of intellectual curiosity, leadership potential and an interest in a management career. Most students apply to the Management Fellows Program during their high school senior year, although students may be admitted as a lateral entry in their first year at 花季传媒. A written application and personal interview are required. Satisfactory completion of the program is noted on the student's transcript. For additional information about the Management Fellows Program or on how to apply for the program, contact the director of the Management Fellows Program or visit the program website.

Management Fellows Core Curriculum

GROUP A Seven required course credits
ECON 100
ECON 220 (formerly ECON 150)
ECON 350
PHIL 233
HONR 310
HONR 320 
HONR 400
Introduction to Economics
Financial Accounting
Quantitative Analysis
Ethics and Business*
Management Readings/Business Writing**
Management Fellows Senior Seminar
GROUP B One of the following:
ECON 294
ECON 295
Intermediate Microeconomics
Intermediate Macroeconomics
GROUP C One of the following:
ECON 280
ECON 393
Managerial Accounting
Managerial Finance
* Acceptable substitute: PHIL 230—Ethical Theory
** Taken by correspondence during the internship semester with a 花季传媒 faculty member.
***Counts as two course credits.

Media Fellows Program

The Media Fellows Program is an honors program designed for the student who either wants to plan a career in media or gain knowledge about how the media works in order to be more effective in his or her chosen field. It was organized in 1992. The home of the Media Fellows Program is the Eugene S. Pulliam Center for Contemporary Media. It is a well-equipped facility dedicated in 1991. It combines under one roof all student media, including complete facilities for television, radio, newspaper, and literary magazine publication. The facility also boasts a photography studio and the Watson Forum, a 91-seat multi-media classroom/auditorium.

The Media Fellows Curriculum is a concentrated honors study designed to complement a major course of study at 花季传媒:

  1. First year: Media Fellows First-Year Colloquium (HONR 171-172). This is a two- semester colloquium that introduces students to media in their different forms and lays the foundation for further study.
  2. Second year: Each semester students attend 4-5 luncheon discussions with upperclassmen and faculty. Topics include internship preparation and experiences and current issues in media.
  3. Third year: Semester-long professional internship in a media setting, such as a newspaper, radio or television station, entertainment program, advertising agency, public relations firm, or news bureau. This internship carries two credits. In addition, the student takes a readings course designed to continue the analytical study of the media while participating in the practical experience of the internship.
  4. Fourth year: Capstone seminar second semester entailing an in-depth project coupled with readings and discussion of important media issues.

Prior to graduation, two courses—one in process and one in analysis of the media—must be taken. Students select the classes based on their interests and pursuits in consultation with the Media Fellows director. Only one of the classes can be in the student's major.

The student is also expected to complete four semesters of work in campus media. It can be done in television, radio, newspaper, literary magazine, or other activities that are approved by the director. In addition, the student is expected to attend four special lectures and seminars each semester.

In order to remain a Media Fellow in good standing, the student must achieve a 3.1 cumulative GPA at the end of three semesters and a 3.2 GPA at the time of graduation. In addition, the student must satisfactorily complete all required coursework as detailed above.

Admission — The Media Fellows Program is highly selective. Application to the program is made the senior year of high school and is contingent upon acceptance to the university. The Media Fellows admissions process includes a written essay, an interview with a Media Fellows faculty steering committee member and current student, proven academic ability and desire to learn more about the media. There is also very limited entry to the program for first-year students already enrolled at 花季传媒.

Contact the director of the Media Fellows Program, Eugene S. Pulliam Center for Contemporary Media, to obtain more information about the Media Fellows Program.

Science Research Fellows Program

The Science Research Fellows at 花季传媒 is an honors program that combines curricular and co-curricular experiences to train future scientific leaders. Undergraduate students work in close collaboration with faculty members from their first semester in the program to both learn and apply science research methods. This early exposure to research opens doors for students to conduct research off-campus in external science research internship programs and to delve more deeply into research on campus. Students become proficient at writing and speaking to science and non-science audiences about their work and scientific endeavors. They learn to articulate how science and scientists impact society and gain appreciation for the diversity of science. Rich research experiences combined with important complementary skills prepare them to be top candidates for post-graduate study and a wide variety of careers science.

Admission - For admission into the Science Research Fellows Program, students must exhibit high academic promise and have a firm commitment to study and to conduct research in a scientific field. Students must apply to the program separately from applying to 花季传媒. The strongest candidates are invited to the campus for interviews with members of the Science Research Fellows Steering Committee before final selections are made. A lateral entry process is also available for first-year students already at 花季传媒 to enter the program as sophomores.

A student in the Science Research Fellows program may major in any of the science departments (biology, chemistry and biochemistry, computer science, geosciences, mathematics, physics and astronomy, kinesiology, or psychology). Each year approximately 10-15 students from the entering class and about 5-10 lateral entry students are selected to participate in the program.

First-Year Experience - During students' first year in the program they participate in one research seminar and one experience involving collaborative research with a faculty member. These courses have an investigative focus and provide exposure to various science disciplines, helping to develop skills for future research experiences.

Research Internships — The university supports Science Research Fellows for one summer on campus, usually following their first year in the Science Research Fellows Program, working on a collaborative research project with a science faculty member. Students also participate in a semester- or summer-long research internship in a major scientific laboratory or research site in either the public or private sector during the sophomore or junior year. A number of students have completed their internships outside of the United States. Students are required to present their research in an on-campus poster session the fall after each of these experiences.

Capstone Experience - Science Research Fellows close their 花季传媒 careers by taking a senior-level capstone seminar. The class provides the opportunity for students to share their research internship experiences with other SRF students and to read about and discuss how science relates to topics such as public policy and education. As part of that course, they explore science careers, work on clear articulation of past research and future goals, and write an original research proposal. Special projects for the course may include educational outreach or outreach to science alumni.

Speakers and Co-curricular Activities - The Science Research Fellows Program brings to campus speakers from a variety of scientific settings—academic, industrial and governmental—to provide enlightening views of how science is done and at the same time to raise the general scientific awareness of the 花季传媒 community. The Program also provides workshops on topics such as scientific ethics, finding an internship, preparing and presenting a scientific poster and scientific careers.



花季传媒 defines itself as a place where the intellect is challenged by experience. 花季传媒 has been nationally recognized among liberal arts colleges for its commitment to internships, as well as for its innovative internship programs. Internships provide experience in a professional setting.  A full internship is typically completed during a semester or summer, a short-term internship during the Winter or May Extended Studies terms. 

Internships are not simply as a way of gaining experience in "the real world." Rather, for many students they are a way of discovering greater purpose and focus in their classroom studies. Students return from their internships knowing how important it is to become good learners and how abstract discussions of values, aesthetics, ethics and knowledge come to matter outside the classroom.

花季传媒 students have the opportunity to earn experiential credit by participating in approved off-campus study programs with an internship component. Among these are the Philadelphia Center program and the New York Arts program. There are many other approved off-campus programs, both domestic and international, that offer internship opportunities.

The Fellows Programs at 花季传媒 include an internship opportunity, typically during a student's junior year. The Management Fellows, Media Fellows, Environmental Fellows and Science Research Fellows internships are set up in conjunction with the Director of the respective program.

Short-term internships are a significant component of 花季传媒's Extended Studies. Following the procedures established by the Hubbard Center for Student Engagement, around 300 students arrange short-term internships during the Winter and May terms. These projects do not receive academic credit but count toward satisfying 花季传媒's Extended Studies requirement.

Students may apply a maximum of three course credits from internship experiences toward graduation. 

Criteria for Internships

The U.S. Department of Labor, under the Fair Labor Standards Act, has established standards for what may be considered an internship. The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) has developed the following criteria based on those standards:

To ensure that an experience—whether it is a traditional internship or one conducted remotely or virtually—is educational, and thus eligible to be considered a legitimate internship by the NACE definition, all the following criteria must be met: 

  1. The experience must be an extension of the classroom: a learning experience that provides for applying the knowledge gained in the classroom. It must not be simply to advance the operations of the employer or be the work that a regular employee would routinely perform.
  2. The skills or knowledge learned must be transferable to other employment settings.
  3. The experience has a defined beginning and end, and a job description with desired qualifications.
  4. There are clearly defined learning objectives/goals related to the professional goals of the student’s academic coursework. 
  5. There is supervision by a professional with expertise and educational and/or professional background in the field of the experience.
  6. There is routine feedback by the experienced supervisor.  
  7. There are resources, equipment, and facilities provided by the host employer that support learning objectives/goals. 

(from Position Statement: U.S. Internships,


Independently-Designed Internships (Semester Long)

花季传媒's Independently-Designed Internship is a semester-long internship that provides opportunities for students who desire to have high-quality active learning experiences as part of their formal education but for whom other available options are not appropriate or possible.

This two-credit internship is considered to be essentially a full-time work experience (at least 30 hours per week). Applicants assume most of the responsibility for organizing their internships. They develop a thorough preliminary proposal, which is reviewed by their academic advisor and the Academic Affairs administrator of the program; then, after they receive preliminary approval they find a faculty sponsor willing to supervise the project and an off-campus internship host.

To ensure that students reflect upon and synthesize the work experience, an additional one-credit readings course associated with the internship experience and/or the student's major field of study is required. This course will require an additional 10-12 hours a week of the student's time, and may include web-based interactions with interns at other sites.

This application process begins a year in advance with a preliminary application deadline of mid-March for Fall Semester internships and a preliminary application deadline of mid-April for Spring Semester internships. Students approved for this program will register for UNIV 299 (2 course credits), graded on a S/U basis, and for UNIV 298 (1 course credit). In some cases, students may arrange to have some of the internship or the study course count toward a department major.

Summer Internships

Some departments also sponsor internships during the summer. These are also regular course offerings identified by the course number 299. They must be supervised by a faculty member and must carry at least one-quarter course academic credit. 花季传媒 tuition is charged by the course credit.

Determination of credit is based on whether the activity augments or extends, in significant theoretical or practical ways, an area of instruction. If academic credit is granted, grading will be either S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory) unless otherwise stipulated. Determination of grades is based on whether the follow-up evaluation (e.g. paper, journal, etc.) of the project demonstrates that significant learning took place.

A non-credit summer internship (UNIV 297) is also available for students who wish to do a summer internship under the guidance of a faculty sponsor and have it appear on their transcript. The fee for the internship is $300. 


The Bonner Scholars Program is a four-year scholarship designed to provide access to education and opportunity to serve. Involved students work and learn in Greencastle and throughout Putnam County. Twenty new students are awarded the Bonner Scholarship each year with approximately 80 Bonner Scholars in the program.

Students selected for the Bonner Scholars Program must demonstrate financial need as well as commitment to service through participation in community service activities or services to their family (i.e. caring for younger siblings or other relatives).

Bonner Scholars are expected to maintain a good academic and social standing at 花季传媒 and participate in educational and enrichment activities planned in conjunction with their direct service. First-year students also take a service-learning seminar during their first Winter Term on campus.

Students are involved in community service for an average of 10 hours per week during the school year. Bonner Scholars choose from a variety of service opportunities in the local community, partnering with schools, social service agencies, and government organizations.

During two summers, Bonner Scholars work in full-time internships with non-profit organizations. This opportunity allows students to further explore community issues. Students may select sites locally, nationally or internationally.

Bonner Scholars receive book and travel stipends at the start of each semester as well as monthly stipends throughout the academic year. Additional financial support is provided for summer service. Upon graduation, students are eligible for loan remission based on the successful completion of their service. 花季传媒’s Bonner Scholars Program is one of 24 nationally and is endowed by The Corella and Bertram F. Bonner Foundation in Princeton, N.J.


The Information Technology Associates Program (ITAP) offers students the opportunity to learn and use the latest information technologies during all four years at 花季传媒. ITAP blends the traditional liberal arts education with cutting-edge experiential learning in an academic environment. From a variety of majors, students participating in the program are interested in learning more about emerging technologies. They bring unique perspectives to leadership roles within a community of learners developing keen critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills.

First-year ITAP students spend an average of 8 to 10 hours a week learning about the latest technological advancements as paid interns. They begin the program with 4 six-week rotations, developing their professional skills and technology knowledge under the guidance of 花季传媒's award-winning faculty and staff.

After the first year, students participate in on-campus internships working closely with faculty, staff and IT professionals. Interns receive training, real-world experience, and close mentoring in areas of their choice.



花季传媒 offers a dual degree program in cooperation with other institutions in engineering. Typically, students spend three years at 花季传媒 and then transfer to cooperating colleges and universities. Students receive their Bachelor of Arts degree from 花季传媒 after completing the professional program or after satisfactorily completing the first year of the professional program if that program leads to a graduate degree.

General Requirements for the Dual Professional Degree Program

During the first three years at 花季传媒, students select pre-professional courses and complete the requirements listed below. Because of the variation in admission requirements among the professional schools, students should study the entrance requirements of the professional school they plan to attend and confer with their faculty advisors before selecting pre-professional courses.

Interested students should apply for these programs as early as possible and no later than the second semester of the sophomore year.

Candidates wishing to receive the Bachelor of Arts degree from 花季传媒 are expected to continue and complete the professional course of study immediately after leaving 花季传媒.

To obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree from 花季传媒 under the pre-professional program, students complete the following:

  1. At least 23 courses applicable toward the B.A. degree. A minimum of 15 courses, including six of the last eight courses preceding entrance into the professional school, must be earned in residence at 花季传媒. The minimum number of courses must include: 
    a. Major: for interdisciplinary majors (e.g., pre-engineering) 10-12 courses in at
        least two disciplines with at least four courses in each of two disciplines. For
        single-subject majors, a minimum of six courses with at least two at the 300-
        400 level.
    b. At least 10 courses outside the subjects involved in the major.
    c. Prescribed courses required by the professional school.

  2. These additional graduation requirements must be met prior to leaving 花季传媒:
    Cumulative GPA of 2.0
    GPA in the major of 2.0
    First-year seminar
    Distribution requirements fulfilled
    Two Extended Studies projects
    Successful completion of W course (writing competency)
    Successful completion of Q course (quantitative competency)
    Successful completion of S course (speaking competency)


花季传媒 has formal agreements with two engineering schools—Columbia University and Washington University (St. Louis). These agreements enable students to earn both the B.A. from 花季传媒 and the B.S. in engineering after a five-year course of study. Normally, this includes three years at 花季传媒 and two years at the engineering school. However, due to the intensive character of engineering education, some students in some fields may require two and one-half to three years beyond the 花季传媒 phase.

Other options, including the 4-2 program leading to either a bachelor's or a master's degree in engineering, are available. Prospects for transfer to other engineering schools with which 花季传媒 does not have a formal agreement should be discussed with the pre-engineering advisor.

The pre-engineering student should plan four or four and one-half courses each semester, and never less than three and one-half. This course load allows for the fullest benefit of science electives and as insurance against schedule conflicts or need for a course withdrawal.

In addition to 花季传媒's requirements, students must satisfy the requirements of the chosen engineering school. All students must complete a course in differential equations, one year of physics, one course in computer science, one course in chemistry and a two-course concentration outside the sciences, mathematics and economics. Additional science course requirements vary with the chosen engineering field. The standard minimum GPA for transfer to one of the two engineering colleges is 3.25/4.0.


Generally, 花季传媒 recommends students complete four years at 花季传媒 to gain a background appropriate to undertaking professional study and obtaining admission to nationally recognized graduate universities.

Health Professions

Schools in the various health professions (including medical, dental and veterinary schools) are interested in students who have acquired a broad background in the arts, humanities and social sciences, as well as in the biological and physical sciences. Students may fulfill the prerequisites for most health professions programs while majoring in almost any academic area. Those majoring outside the natural sciences have as good an acceptance rate into programs as those majoring in the sciences. More important than the type of major is how well students do in academic programs they have chosen. Since competition for admission to health professions is keen, students should build an academic program that provides alternatives to the health professions.

Programs differ widely in their expectations of applicants. It is essential that students interested in the health professions plan their course work carefully, with the assistance of faculty and health science advisors, and that they check the specific requirements of the programs and schools in which they are interested. Such information can be obtained from health science advisors, the health professions website, the Hubbard Center for Student Engagement, and the Web sites of schools and professional organizations.

Besides providing evidence of intellectual ability and academic achievement, students must demonstrate that they have the character, interest and aptitude for a career in a health profession. Graduate programs in the health professions expect that students have some practical experience in the field. This may come from work or volunteer experience, observation of health professionals at work, or internships. Students are strongly urged to take advantage of the Winter Terms and summers, as well as their opportunities to do volunteer service during the academic year, to obtain such experience.

Course Work for Doctoral Health Professions

Allopathic medicine (M.D.), optometry (O.D.), dentistry (D.D.S. or D.M.D), osteopathic medicine (D.O.), podiatric (D.P.M.), pharmacy (Pharm.D.) and veterinary medicine (D.V.M.)

Most programs in the doctoral health professions use a qualifying examination for applicants (MCAT, DAT, VMCAT, OAT, GRE, etc.). This examination is often taken during the spring semester of the junior year or in the summer prior to the senior year. By that time, students need to have completed (or be completing) the coursework necessary to prepare for the examination. For the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT), we recommend the following minimum:

Additional coursework in the sciences may be desirable, but is not specifically required for the test. The test includes a verbal reasoning section, so coursework that develops reading and critical thinking ability is strongly advised.

Required coursework for application to programs varies not only by field, but by school. The courses listed above are part of the prerequisites for most doctoral degree programs in the health sciences. Most require that science courses have a lab and be appropriate for the major in that field. Many schools now accept a semester of biochemistry (CHEM 240) in place of second semester organic chemistry. Other courses commonly required or recommended include English and humanities courses, psychology, biochemistry, statistics and foreign language. Students should check the prerequisites for programs they are interested in early and often to make sure they are meeting entrance requirements.

Allied Health Professions

Students who begin their college study with premedical interests often find their talents and interests are better suited for an allied health profession rather than a degree in medicine. There are many possible careers including: physician assistant, medical technician, athletic trainer, nurse practitioner, public health professional, occupational therapist, physical therapist, paramedic, clinical psychologist, health-care administrator, health-care social worker,  and wellness/ fitness educator. Most require students to have a four-year degree before matriculating; a few programs are open to students who wish to transfer in after two or three years at a liberal arts institution. Students interested in these fields should consult with a member of the Health Sciences Committee.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a dynamic health-care field with employment opportunities in a variety of settings. Professional (entry level) physical therapy education programs are offered at two levels: doctoral and master's. It is anticipated that the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree will become the future entry degree for the physical therapy profession.

花季传媒 recognizes the highly competitive process for admission into professional programs in physical therapy. Students are identified as "Pre-PT" for advising purposes. Pre-physical therapy students can choose a major in any academic department (Biology, Kinesiology and Psychology are common choices) and then additionally take the prerequisite courses that are required by the physical therapy program for which the student plans to apply. There can be differences in prerequisites among various physical therapy programs. It is essential to check the specific prerequisites of each program in which the student may have interest. Some common prerequisites requirements are: two semesters of chemistry with labs, two semesters of physics with labs, human anatomy, human (animal) physiology, one or two biology courses with labs, introductory psychology, and statistics. One or more of the following courses may also be required by an individual program: developmental psychology, abnormal psychology, sociology, exercise physiology, philosophy, English composition, speech, computers, anthropology, research methods, calculus, and medical terminology.

A strong academic record is essential for gaining admittance to a physical therapy program. GPA in the prerequisite coursework, as well as overall GPA, are two of the most heavily weighted admission criteria in the student selection process. Other common selection criteria include:

  1. Diverse clinical experiences (observing, working, volunteering) to ensure a well developed appreciation of the physical therapy profession. The opportunity to work with physical therapists and other health care professionals is a valuable experience and an important inclusion in the application for physical therapy school. 花季传媒's Winter Term provides a mechanism for students to complete an internship in a physical therapy setting. In addition to Winter Term, students can also gain these experiences around their school schedule or during the summer.
  2. Score on the Graduate Record Exam (a small number of schools might require a different aptitude assessment).
  3. Involvement in school and community activities, personal qualities, motives and goals which are often evidenced from narrative statements, personal interview and letters of recommendation.

Pre-physical therapy students at 花季传媒 are encouraged to take advantage of information and programs sponsored by the Health Sciences Advising Committee. The Committee disseminates information via meetings, e-mails, career fairs, speakers and the health sciences web page /academics/academic-resources/advising/health-sciences-advising/. The web page contains information not only on physical therapy but also prerequisites for professional programs in other health profession areas.

Religious Service Professions

Appropriate preparation for professional religious service is as varied as the types of career paths that are available. 花季传媒 offers individualized guidance and support for persons who are considering professional work as a minister, chaplain, priest, rabbi, cantor, church musician, religious educator or other form of religious service or faith-based community activism. 花季传媒's religious service professions advisory group encourages each student to consider both curricular and extracurricular components of their preparation.

Graduate education is required or recommended for many forms of religious service. The requirements for admission to graduate programs vary widely. In most instances, the broad background acquired through a liberal arts education is good preparation for further study. Based on the requirements of a particular graduate program or proposed field of study, knowledgeable faculty members in the religious service professions advisory group are available to advise students of appropriate academic courses and opportunities.

Whether pursuing graduate education or not, extracurricular opportunities can be a useful way to prepare for and gain experience in religious service. The religious service professions advisors can suggest possibilities for on- and off-campus service, internships, mentoring relationships and other possibilities as a way to integrate intellectual and experiential learning. Additionally, religious service professions advisors can direct students to relevant short-term service programs, which can be a powerful means for students to explore their sense of vocation and prepare for future work or study after they graduate.

Students are encouraged to contact the religious service professions advisors as soon as possible in their academic career in order to take full advantage of the opportunities described above. A student does not have to be certain of his or her vocation goals in order to do so. The religious service professions advisory group values and supports wide-ranging vocational exploration and discernment.


As a prerequisite to admission, most law schools expect a student to have acquired a sound liberal arts education, without regard to any set of prescribed courses or any particular course of study (e.g. majors and minors). The quality of the student's undergraduate preparation, in other words, far outweighs its particular subject matter or choice of major. All law schools do require, however, the completion of the bachelor's degree for admission.

Successful legal study requires well developed speaking, writing and analytical skills. For the pre-law students, 花季传媒's W, S, and Q competency requirements address these expectations. In addition, such academic skills ought to develop from the student's work in any number of courses and in a wide range of disciplines as an integral part of the liberal arts experience.

Along with the GPA, the Law School Aptitude Test provides the most important statistical data for admissions consideration. The LSAT, taken at the end of the student's junior year or early in his or her senior year, seeks to measure the candidate's verbal abilities and logical and analytical skills. Extracurricular activities, leadership positions, internships of various kinds, summer employment, off-campus experiences and a demonstrated sense of purpose are additional qualities valued by law admissions committees, but they should not be seen as substitutes for a good GPA or LSAT result. Refer to the Law School web site for additional information: .

At 花季传媒, students thinking of law school, whatever their undergraduate major, are counseled on an individual basis by their faculty advisor or by the pre-law advisor.

Students are encouraged to research the schools that they are interested in so they are familiar with the specific requirements at the respective schools. This research enables potential candidates to take a more directed approach to the application process, making adjustments to their schedules when necessary.


Aerospace Studies (Air Force ROTC)

Air Force ROTC is a college program that prepares young men and women to become leaders in the Air Force and Space Force.  You will grow as an individual both mentally and physically while developing lifelong friendships.  You can acquire strong leadership skills that will benefit you as an Air Force or Space Force Officer and in corporate America.  And, it’s an opportunity to pay for school through scholarships.

Plus, unlike many college students, you’ll have a position waiting for you after graduation at one of the top high-tech organizations in the world — the U.S. Air Force or Space Force.

花季传媒 students interested in being commissioned as Air Force or Space Force officers upon graduation can enroll in classes offered through the Air Force ROTC department at Indiana State University (Detachment 218).  All courses are offered on the Indiana State University campus in Terre Haute, IN.  Website: 

All students at 花季传媒 are eligible for the Air Force ROTC classes.  A maximum of four course credits in ROTC may be applied toward the minimum number of 31 courses required for graduation.  Courses in the Air Force program may not be taken Pass/Fail.  Full-time students enrolled in the first-year and sophomore courses do so without paying extra tuition, and textbooks are provided.

Students must go to a 19-day field training session typically held between their sophomore and junior years before they can enter the last two years of the program.

Full and partial tuition scholarships are available through this program.   Additionally, a tax-free monthly stipend may be provided during the junior and senior years. For more information, please email ( or call (812) 237-2657.

Air Force Reserve Officer Training Courses

AS 101-102. Heritage and Values – 1/2 course each semester

This is a survey course designed to introduce students to the Department of the Air Force (DAF) and provides an overview of the basic characteristics, missions, communications and organization of the Air and Space Forces.

AS 201-202. Team and Leadership Fundamentals – 1/2 course each semester

This course provides a fundamental understanding of both leadership and team building. The lessons and course flow are designed to prepare students for field training and leadership positions in the detachment.

AS 301-302. Leading People and Effective Communication – 3/4 course each semester

This course utilizes student’s field training experience to take a more in-depth look at leadership. Special emphasis is placed on enhancing communication skills, and why that is important
as a leader. Students have an opportunity to try out these leadership and management techniques in a supervised environment as juniors and seniors.

AS 401-402. National Security and Preparation for Active Duty – 3/4 course each semester

This course is designed for college seniors and provides them the foundation to understand their role as military officers and how they are directly tied to our National Security Strategy. It is an overview of the complex social and political issues facing the military profession and requires a measure of sophistication commensurate with the senior college level.

Military Science (U.S. Army ROTC)

Director: LTC Matthew Miller, Army Reserve Officer Training Corps Program (ROTC). Department Office: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology


ROTC is a college elective program open to all full-time students at 花季传媒 through an agreement with the Wabash Battalion at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. It is not a degree program, although it complements any degree program. Upon completion of the course curriculum, students earn a commission as an officer in the Active, Guard or Reserve Component of the Army.

The ROTC program builds students' leadership expertise, communication skills and self-confidence. Leadership and management skills taught in ROTC are in high demand in the civilian market as well as the military. These leadership skills often complement other academic degree programs in order to make a student more marketable upon graduation. The program includes the Basic Course curriculum for freshmen and sophomores and the Advanced Course curriculum for juniors and seniors. On-campus Basic Courses focus on military leadership, basic military concepts, management techniques, and hands-on training in the laboratory sessions. There is no obligation to serve in the military to take the Basic Courses (first two years). The Advanced Course concentrates on small team tactical operations as well as advanced techniques of management, leadership training and command operations. The Advanced Courses are offered to cadets who have contracted to serve in the Army as an Officer after graduation and are generally closed to others.

Qualified students must satisfy certain administrative requirements for enrollment and retention in the Advanced Course. There are several ways to accelerate the program if a student has missed taking some or all of the Basic Courses:

1. ROTC offers the ~30 day Basic Camp (BC) for those motivated, qualified students who wish to commit to the program no later than the second semester of their sophomore year. BC is conducted during the summer between their sophomore and junior years. Students may compete for an Army ROTC Scholarship for the remaining two years of college at the Advanced Camp Course or for other scholarships as they are available. Students who qualify are selected to attend BC, make a contractual commitment and contract with Army ROTC. Upon completion of BC, students earn constructive ROTC credit for the Military Science I and II courses and are accelerated into the Advanced Course.

2. Qualified students may seek permission to compress the first-year and sophomore classes, allowing completion of the basic course in one year.

3. Another option for acceleration into the Advanced Course is the Alternate Entry Option (AEO). Students pursuing this option must be highly motivated and physically fit, possess a 3.0 grade point average, and be approved by the professor of military science. Contracted junior cadets attend the Advanced Camp, (formerly Leadership Development and Assessment Course or LDAC) at Fort Knox, Kentucky, during the summer prior to the senior year.

4. Another option to enter Army ROTC is by completing sister service ROTC, such as Air Force ROTC, and requesting a transfer to Army ROTC prior to the beginning of the senior year. Consideration is done on a case-by-case basis and requires approval of the Army ROTC Professor of Military Science.

Students who received ROTC training in high school and veterans should contact the ROTC Program office and university registrar concerning credit for part or all of the ROTC Basic Course. Graduate students who can commit to two full time years of graduate study should contact the Army ROTC Program office for more details.

Credit received as a result of successfully completing military science courses may count toward degree requirements as general open electives. Grades received for military science course completion are included in cumulative grade point ratios.

Allowances and Incentives. Military science textbooks and uniforms, when appropriate, are furnished to the students without charge. Students enrolled and contracted into the Basic and Advanced Courses receive a monthly stipend allowance during 2019-2020 school year of $420 each month; Cadets in attendance at the BC and AC receive a ROTC-based salary while in training status.

Scholarships. The Department of the Army annually awards a limited number of four-, three- and two-year ROTC Scholarships to qualified student-athlete student leaders.  Awarded on merit, the scholarship covers the cost of tuition, books, laboratory fees and related expenses, plus the monthly stipend,  $420 each month for up to ten months per year that the scholarship is in effect.

Four-year scholarships are open to high school graduates prior to entering Army ROTC as first-year students. Any student enrolled at 花季传媒 may apply for an on-campus three- or two-year scholarship based on merit and leadership potential. Full details on the scholarship program may be obtained by writing the Enrollment Officer or Professor of Military Science, Army ROTC Wabash Battalion CM31, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, 5500 Wabash Terre Haute, IN, 47809, or by calling 812-877-8978 or 219-242-5218.


United States Army Reserve Officer Training Courses
Basic Courses

ARMY 401. The Army Officer, 1 course

ARMY 401 Focuses on development of the Army Officer. It is an academically challenging course where you will develop knowledge, skills, and abilities to plan, resource, and assess training at the small unit level. You will also learn about Army programs that support counseling subordinates and evaluating performance, values and ethics, career planning, and legal responsibilities. At the conclusion of this course, you will be familiar with how to plan, prepare, execute, and continuously assess the conduct of training at the company or field grade officer level. Includes a lab per week overseeing Army (MSL) III lesson facilitation and supervised by ROTC Cadre.

ARMY 402. Company Grade Leadership, 1 course

ARMY 402 is an academically challenging course where you will develop knowledge, skills, and abilities required of junior officers pertaining to the Army in Unified Land Operations and Company Grade Officer roles and responsibilities. This course includes reading assignments, homework assignments, small group assignments, briefings, case studies, practical exercises, a mid-term exam, and an Oral Practicum as the final exam. The Oral Practicum explores your knowledge of how you will be prepared for the 20 Army Warfighting Challenges (AWFC) covered throughout the ROTC Advanced Course. Successful completion of this course will assist in preparing you for your BOLC B course and is a mandatory requirement for commissioning. Includes a lab per week overseeing Army (MSL) III lesson facilitation and supervised by ROTC Cadre.

 ARMY 498. Adaptive Contemporary Leadership I, 1 course

ARMY 498 This independent study course examines a specific aspect of contemporary leadership theory with military applications. Cadets develop, propose, conduct, and present research analysis, upon faculty approval, applying the cumulative knowledge and skills gained throughout the cadets’ previous military science instruction. Department director's permission required to enroll. Co-requisites: MSL 302 and 302L; LDAC.