UNIV 183

Off-Campus Extended Studies Course

Faculty-led domestic and international study and service courses that provide students opportunities to explore and experience other cultures, learn in new environments, develop skills not readily acquired elsewhere, and deepen their understanding of the global community. Curricular offerings earn .5 course credit and count toward satisfying the Extended Studies requirement; co-curricular offerings do not carry academic credit but do count toward the Extended Studies requirement.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits

Winter Term information

Eugene Gloria,
Jeffrey Kenney

183IA: Morocco: A Cultural Odyssey (off-campus)

Embark on a captivating journey that highlights the arts, religions, and architectural wonders of Casablanca, Tangier, Fez, and Marrakech in Morocco. This 14-day cultural adventure invites 花季传媒 students to delve into the rich tapestry of creative and performing arts, religion, history, and culture across Morocco. Faculty experts and local guides will introduce students to such architectural and geographical icons as the Medina of Fez; the famed Blue City of Chefchaouen, the grand architecture and rich history of Meknes, the Roman ruins of Volubilis, a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Koutoubia Mosque, Bahia Palace, and Marjorelle Gardens in Marrakech and the Great Mosque of Tangier, Rabat, considered the political capital, and Casablanca, the economic capital where modernity meets tradition. In-country activities might also include a Sufi musical performance in Fez, riding a camel, touring museums, mosques, shopping for handicrafts at a Moroccan souk (bazaar), and sampling local cuisine like intricately spiced tagines. Before departure the Winter Term class will spend time on campus reading literature and essays and watching films to help them make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime cultural experience. This off-campus course will expand students' knowledge of diverse cultures and traditions and build on their international travel experience.

For more information on program costs and how to apply for the program, paste this URL into your web browser: https://offcampus.depauw.edu/_portal/program-discovery

Use the filter to search for "Winter" Term.

Sarah Mordan-McCombs,
Kevin Kinney

183IB: Galapagos: Natural Laboratories for Evolution (off-campus)

The Galapagos Islands, though tiny, have a massive place in the history of our understanding of biology and of evolutionary theory. One of the pivotal stops in the 1835 journey of Charles Darwin aboard The HMS Beagle, the flora and fauna of these tiny volcanic islands are generally considered to be the starting point for his thoughts on the Theory of Evolution. What is so special about these islands and their inhabitants? What have generations of researchers seen since the time of Darwin that supports his initial theories? These are some of the questions we will address in our journey around mainland Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. During tours on land and in the water, students will document their observations of Galapagos wildlife. Students will be expected to maintain a travel journal where they reflect on their experiences and observations in writing and discussion. Each student will report on at least two species of plant or animal in the islands, and will end the experience with a formal written account of their experiences and observations.

For more information on program costs and how to apply for the program, paste this URL into your web browser: https://offcampus.depauw.edu/_portal/program-discovery

Use the filter to search for "Winter" Term.

Timothy Good,
Caroline Good

183IC: Cultural History Through Theatrical Costume & Fashion (off-campus)

On this Winter Term program, students will study costume design and how it relates to cultural history and character development. The course will allow students to survey social influences on costume and dress worn by characters during various periods in history including contemporary trends and dress. Much of the off-campus work will be devoted to costume museums, live theatrical performances, theatre tours, and fabric shopping and designing. Locations in England include excursions to Bath to experience the Fashion Museum and ancient Roman Baths, to Stratford, the birthplace of William Shakespeare and home of the Royal Shakespeare Company, to the Victoria & Albert Museum in London which houses a vast period costume collection, and to the National Theatre for a backstage costume tour.

For more information on program costs and how to apply for the program, paste this URL into your web browser: https://offcampus.depauw.edu/_portal/program-discovery

Use the filter to search for "Winter" Term.

Khadija Stewart,
Allana Johnson

183ID: Women in Computing in Greece (off-campus)

The under-representation of Women in Computing is a well-known phenomenon prevalent in the United States. There has been a lot of research, at 花季传媒 specifically, on various facets of gender under-representation in computing (including recruitment and retention). Both faculty members have taken part in various projects that have helped 花季传媒's Computer Science department achieve national recognition in terms of gender diversity. As the percentage of women in computing has continued to decline since the mid-eighties in the United States, several European countries did not suffer from the same infliction. Greece is a country that has a much higher gender diversity in computing than most. Studies also show that even though the percentage of women in computing in Greece is below 50%, retention of women in computing is remarkable. Another interesting fact is the prevalence of computing female teachers in Greece. In fact, the percentage of women computing teachers was around 46% in 2013, which makes it higher than the percent of women teachers in Mathematics and Physics. The purpose of this course is to visit various universities, an elementary school and a high school to understand how Greece can achieve such a high percentage of women in computing (over 15% higher than that of the U.S.) and almost perfect retention.

For more information on program costs and how to apply for the program, paste this URL into your web browser: https://offcampus.depauw.edu/_portal/program-discovery

Use the filter to search for "Winter" Term.

May Term information

John Berry,
Sarah Cowan

183IA: Art and Observation in the Burren, Ireland (off-campus)