NEUR 301

Neuroscience and Behavior with Lab

This course examines the interactions between physiology and behavior with an emphasis on the nervous and endocrine systems of both human and non-human animals. Fundamental concepts of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and psychopharmacology will provide the foundation for discussions of behavior. A wide variety of behaviors including: ingestive behaviors, sleep, sexual behavior, learning and memory, stress, drug abuse, and disordered behavior will be studied in relation to these physiological principles and systems. The laboratory component will provide research experience with common procedures, behavioral measures, and organisms. Prerequisite: PSY 100. Not open to students with credit in PSY/NEUR 300.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
PSY 100. Not open to students with credit in PSY/NEUR 300. 1 course

PSY 301

Neuroscience and Behavior with Lab

This course examines the interactions between physiology and behavior with an emphasis on the nervous and endocrine systems of both human and non-human animals. Fundamental concepts of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and psychopharmacology will provide the foundation for discussions of behavior. A wide variety of behaviors including: ingestive behaviors, sleep, sexual behavior, learning and memory, stress, drug abuse, and disordered behavior will be studied in relation to these physiological principles and systems. The laboratory component will provide research experience with common procedures, behavioral measures, and organisms. Prerequisite: PSY 100. Not open to students with credit in PSY 300.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
PSY 100. Not open to students with credit in PSY 300. 1 course

Spring Semester information

Nipun Chopra

301A: Neuro & Behavior w/Lab