ENG 302

Creative Writing II: Fiction Topics

Topics in fiction writing with particular concentration on specific forms or other aspects of the genre using readings as models and inspiration. This might include the novella or the short-short story or techniques such as magical realism, meta-fiction, minimalism, etc., depending on the instructor. Prerequisite: ENG 149.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
ENG 149 1 course

Spring Semester information

Ivelisse Rodriguez

302A: Creative Writing II Fiction Tps: The Art of Revision

To become a writer, you have to learn how to revise. The last step in the writing process is wrangling with yourself (your ego); getting out of the way; and realizing that revision is about giving your story the best life it can have. In this class, we will focus on creating a revision practice by making an honest list of what needs to be changed in your story. We will start by focusing on the macro and then the micro revisions through exercises that teach you how to take apart your story and put it back together.
You are expected to have a story you want to revise by the first day of class.