Hispanic Studies

Course Catalog

Requirements for a major

Hispanic Studies

Total courses required Ten
Core courses
  • HISP 330, HISP 332 or HISP 333 (see below), HISP 335, HISP 430, HISP 456
  • Students who test into HISP 330/332/333 will receive 2 retroactive credits.
  • Hispanic Studies majors may receive up to three off-campus study credits.
Other required courses
  • Students may include 100-200 level courses in the Hispanic Studies Curriculum from their point of entry at placement.
  • Students may apply advanced courses in the HISP curriculum to the major requirement
  • Possible interdisciplinary courses (electives conducted in English or another language; up to two may count toward major): ANTH 251, ANTH 273, ANTH 279, ANTH 366, HIST 115, HIST 116, HIST 206, HIST 207, HIST 382, HIST 385, LACS 100, LACS 290, LACS 390, ML 164B, ML 197, ML 264, ML 290, ML 295, ML 395, ML 492, WLIT 205, WLIT 215, WLIT 315, or any course which engages with Latinx, Latin American, or Spanish-speaking issues, and meets with the approval of the Hispanic Studies program director and the instructor of said course.
Number 300 and 400 level courses Students must at least complete the core curriculum at the 300 and 400 levels (see above)
Senior requirement and capstone experience
  • In their senior year, students typically take HISP 430 and HISP 456 to fulfill the requirement. These courses involve a portfolio (HISP 430) and a formal seminar paper (HISP 456) as capstone experiences.
  • Students who have completed all other major requirements may petition the Hispanic Studies Coordinator to complete the major prior to their senior year.
Additional information Off-campus courses:
  • Hispanic Studies majors may receive up to three offcampus study credits, to be approved by the Hispanic Studies Coordinator
  • Students must seek approval to complete core or capstone components off-campus.

Heritage speakers

  • Students who place into the 300 level and identify as Heritage Speakers, i.e. having grown up with Spanish in the home, may begin the core sequence at HISP 332 (or HISP 333)
  • Heritage Speakers who test into the 300 will receive 2 retroactive credits.
Writing in the Major In order to satisfy the Writing in the Major requirement for Spanish, students must complete HISP 430: Advanced Composition in addition to the senior seminar (HISP 456). In both HISP 430 and HISP 456, students will have a variety of writing assignments and opportunities to revise and reflect on their writing, including a portfolio in HISP 430 and a formal paper in HISP 456. Upon completion of the major students should be able to write in Spanish clearly and effectively for a wide range of audiences and in varied contexts, from informal correspondence through professional and academic discourse.

Requirements for a minor

Hispanic Studies

Total courses required Five
Core courses None
Other required courses
  • Students who test into HISP 330/332/333 will receive 2 retroactive credits.
  • Hispanic Studies minors may receive up to one off-campus study credit toward the minor.
Number 300 and 400 level courses At least one course at the 300 level or higher.

Courses in Hispanic Studies

HISP 131

Introduction to the Spanish-Speaking World I

Introduction to the Spanish language with emphasis on the development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Emphasis on Spanish-speaking cultures and communication in authentic contexts. HISP 131 is open only to beginners in Spanish or those with two years or less of high school Spanish.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language 1 course

HISP 132

Introduction to the Spanish-Speaking World II

Continued introduction to the Spanish language with emphasis on the development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Emphasis on Spanish-speaking cultures and communication in authentic contexts.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language 1 course

HISP 140

The Spanish-Speaking World: Intensive Level

Intensive study of the Spanish language with emphasis on the development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Emphasis on Spanish-speaking cultures and communication in authentic contexts. This course is designed for those students who seek more immediate entry into higher levels.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language 1 course

HISP 156

Advance Placement in Spanish

Credit for students earning advanced placement in Spanish.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
1 course

HISP 231

Topics of the Spanish-Speaking World I

Further development of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills through focused topics of the Spanish-speaking world, such as identity and memory, borders and immigration, social movements and revolution, and multilingualism. While students in this course develop these multiple proficiencies, it primarily utilizes formats and approaches to language instruction that especially prepare students for HISP 330. It features multiple presentation assignments and grammatical instruction in the service of aural comprehension and oral proficiencies. Prerequisite: HISP 132 or HISP 140 or qualifying score on the placement test. Students may take this course prior to or after HISP 232.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language HISP 132 or HISP 140 or qualifying score on the placement test 1 course

HISP 232

Topics of the Spanish-Speaking World II

Further development of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills through focused topics of the Spanish-speaking world, such as identity and memory, borders and immigration, social movements and revolution, and multilingualism. While students in this course develop these multiple proficiencies, it primarily utilizes formats and approaches to language instruction that especially prepare students for HISP 332. It features multiple writing assignments and grammatical instruction in the service of reading comprehension and writing proficiencies. Prerequisite: HISP 132 or HISP 140 or qualifying score on the placement test. Students may take this course prior to or after HISP 231. Students who qualify for the 200 level via placement exam and/or departmental guidance need not take HISP 231 before taking this course.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language HISP 132 or HISP 140 or qualifying score on the placement test 1 course

HISP 295

Special Topics

(may be cross-listed with LACS 290) Course on social, political, and cultural topics of the Spanish-speaking world. May be co-taught, on a special topic, and/or taught in English. No prerequisites. May also count as a cognate class toward the Hispanic Studies Major and toward the minors in Latin American and Caribbean Studies and/or World Literature. If offered, Hispanic Studies majors may engage optional Spanish language content for additional .5 credit toward the major. This may involve collaborating with other institutions via virtual conversation or online discussion, reading Spanish texts, and completing Spanish language writing exercises. May be repeated for credit with a different topic. May count towards language proficiency requirement of Hispanic Studies Major. Prerequisite HISP 232 or equivalent.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
1 course

HISP 330

Orality in the Spanish-Speaking World

Emphasis on oral registers and speaking practice, including debates, tertulias, charlas,and the language of popular movements. Prerequisite: Successful completion of HISP 231 and HISP 232 or qualifying grade on the Spanish placement test. Students with recent foreign residence in a Spanish-speaking country must consult with the director of the program before registering for HISP 330.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Global Learning-or-Language Sucessful completion of HISP 231 and HISP 232 or qualifying grade on the Spanish placement test 1 course

HISP 332

Literacy in the Spanish-Speaking World

Advanced reading and writing strategies, including grammar review and composition, for entry into the advanced curriculum. Students read from a variety of representative texts of multiple registers from the Spanish-speaking world. Open to students from all language learning backgrounds.
NOTE: Students may not earn major/ minor credit for both HISP 332 and HISP 333. Prerequisite: Successful completion of HISP 231 and HISP 232 or qualifying grade on the placement test.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language Successful completion of HISP 231 and HISP 232 or qualifying grade on the placement test 1 course

HISP 333

Spanish as a Heritage Language

Designed for students who grew up using Spanish with their families and/or communities, but who received the majority of K-12 education in English. Emphasis on advanced reading and writing strategies and differentiation between written and oral registers of Spanish through discussion of key issues affecting the Latinx community and civic engagement. A focus on Spanish as a national language in the U.S. and the deconstruction of myths based on power and privilege associated with being Latino in the U.S. Topics vary by semester, but may include immigration, identity construction, bilingualism, literature, or popular culture.
NOTE: Students may not earn major/ minor credit for both HISP 332 and HISP 333. Prerequisite: Successful completion of HISP 231 and HISP 232 or qualifying grade on the placement test.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language Successful completion of HISP 231 and HISP 232 or qualifying grade on the placement test 1 course

HISP 335

Introduction to Hispanic Literature

Significant authors and texts from throughout the Spanish-speaking world. Prerequisite: HISP 332 or HISP 333.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language HISP 332 or HISP 333 1 course

HISP 338

Latin American Civilization

A study of the history, geography, art, intellectual currents and social developments of Latin America. Prerequisite: HISP 330, HISP 332, or HISP 333, or permission of instructor.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Arts and Humanities-or-Global Learning HISP 330, HISP 332, or HISP 333, or permission of instructor 1 course

HISP 339

Spanish Civilization

A study of the history, geography, art, intellectual currents and social developments of Spain. Prerequisite: HISP 330, HISP 332, or HISP 333 or permission of instructor.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Arts and Humanities HISP 330, HISP 332, or HISP 333 or permission of instructor 1 course

HISP 340

Business Spanish

This course focuses on economics and business practices in the Spanish-speaking world. Its goals are to familiarize students with the basic institutions (banking, stock market), with how corporations are organized and how they function (administrative structure, secretarial, marketing, sales, etc.), and with certain socio-cultural aspects of the workplace (executive behavior, management-labor relations, gender issues). Required work includes readings, tests, essays, and oral presentations. Prerequisite: HISP 330, HISP 332, HISP 333 or permission of instructor.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language HISP 330, HISP 332, HISP 333 or permission of instructor 1 course

HISP 390

Advanced Topics in the Spanish-Speaking World

Study of topics, such as literary periods, genres, movements or themes, areas of civilization, linguistics or oral interpretation. Prerequisite: HISP 332 or HISP 333 or permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit with different topics.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language HISP 332 or HISP 333 or permission of instructor 1/2-1 course

HISP 395

Advanced Topics in Hispanic Studies

Courses on specific topics, such as culture, literary movements or genres, linguistics or film. May address multiple areas, such as a course on European literature or culture. Taught in English. May be repeated for credit with different topics.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language 1 course

HISP 430

Advanced Composition in Spanish

An opportunity to write prose in different styles and registers of Spanish with emphasis on articles, essays, and short stories. Students learn relevant research methods and presentation formats, and produce a final portfolio. Representative readings for analysis and discussion. Prerequisite: HISP 332 or HISP 333.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language HISP 332 or HISP 333 1 course

HISP 442

Literature of Spain

Selections from important authors of Spain. Prerequisite: HISP 335 or permission of instructor.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Arts and Humanities HISP 335 or permission of instructor 1 course

HISP 444

Spanish American Literature

Selections from important authors of Spanish America. Prerequisite: HISP 335 or permission of instructor.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Arts and Humanities HISP 335 or permission of instructor 1 course

HISP 456

Hispanic Seminar

A detailed study of an author, genre, theme, or principal movement of Hispanic literature or civilization. Students will produce long-form research projects as a capstone to the major. Open only to senior Spanish majors.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language 1 course

HISP 491

Advanced Readings and Projects in Spanish I

Open to advanced students in Spanish with permission of chair. May be repeated for credit.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language 1/2-1 course

HISP 492

Advanced Readings and Projects in Spanish II

Open to advanced students in Spanish with permission of chair. May be repeated for credit.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language 1/2-1 course